Political parties across the globe are using traditional mediums of advertising such as TV Ads, Newspaper Ads, FM, Billboards Advertising and more!
In the era of digitalization with mobile & internet, the total number of internet users in India is around 500 million (50 Crores) by June 2018, said a report by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and Kantar IMRB.
Social Media as an Effective Political Communication Tool
Among major political parties in India, BJP has the biggest charisma in social media. BJP started using social media even before the 2009 general election, which it lost.
In 2014 Loksabha Election, We've seen how Indian Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi & BJP aggressively used social media & internet to reach the voters.
The digital team of Narendra Modi & BJP has the complete idea of internet marketing and has completely utilized every aspect of it to become popular on social media. Digital marketing helped him gain more transparency as it helped him engage with voters around political decision-making processes.
BJP Chhattisgarh vs INC Chhattisgarh

In this article, we highlight digital presence, activities & campaigns running by political parties of Chhattisgarh. As per public interest, BJP, Congress & Janta Congress Chhattisgarh are major parties in Chhattisgarh. So, we'll benchmark the activities & digital presence of above three political parties.
1. Bharatiya Janata Party - Chhattisgarh
In the last five years, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has undergone a massive transformation and is today the country's biggest political party. The party won the 2014 general election with a convincing majority under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi who assumed power in May 2014.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is ruling since 2003 in Chhattisgarh. It's been 15 years and some people are expecting anti-incumbency factor in the Assembly Election 2018.
As per our digital observations, we found there's the mixed response from people of Chhattisgarh about the popularity & work done by chief minister Dr. Raman Singh & Bharatiya Janata Party. The popularity of Dr. Raman Singh has remained same so it may the good signal for the party and their supporters.
Now let's go dive into some analytics & statistics of digital presence & activities of Bharatiya Janata Party - Chhattisgarh
Note: 1 month public data from 27 Sep - 27 Oct 2018 has been used in this benchmark report!Facebook Page - BJP Chhattisgarh
Facebook Presence Highly Active Page Likes 930,255 Content Quality Good Average Engagement 307.7
Top 3 Facebook Posts from BJP Chhattisgarh
Twitter Handle - BJP Chhattisgarh
Twitter Presence Highly Active Followers Count 34,442 Content Quality Good Average Engagement 164.1
Top 3 Tweets from BJP Chhattisgarh
भारतीय जनता पार्टी विकास को सीढ़ी बनाकर काम कर रही है, वहीं कांग्रेस के नेता अपने ही नेताओं की सीडी बनाने का काम कर रहे हैं : राष्ट्रीय प्रवक्ता @sambitswaraj pic.twitter.com/OVy1SDQKMe
— BJP Chhattisgarh (@BJP4CGState) October 24, 2018रायपुरवासियों सीट की पेटी बांध लीजिए।
— BJP Chhattisgarh (@BJP4CGState) October 22, 2018
शहजादे @RahulGandhi आपके मनोरंजन के लिए पधार चुके हैं, वे यहां पर BHEL से मोबाइल और मेड इन रायपुर जैसे चुटकुले आपको सुनाएंगे।
ध्यान रखें कॉमेडी का ऐसा तड़का लगने वाला है कि आपके हंसी के फव्वारे छूट जाएंगे। pic.twitter.com/sFoR294jWOभारत का नक्शा तो सही वाला इस्तेमाल कर लेते? या फिर कांग्रेस पार्टी ने पाकिस्तान से महागठबंधन करने का निर्णय कर लिया है? #PakistanCongressCommittee https://t.co/9o0j2dzI1i
— BJP Chhattisgarh (@BJP4CGState) October 14, 2018 -
2. Indian National Congress - Chhattisgarh
Indian National Congress byname Congress Party, broadly based political party of India. In the year 2000, Chhattisgarh State was formed and Ajit Jogi served by Congress party as the first chief minister of the state of Chhattisgarh. In 2003 Chhattisgarh Assembly Election, BJP registered a massive win with 50 seats and Dr. Raman Singh served as the chief minister. BJP repeated the same history and got the clear mandate in 2009 & 2014 elections.
It's been more than 15 years, Congress Party is playing their role as an opposition in Chhattisgarh. In 2018 Assembly Elections, Congress party has the opportunity to break the history of BJP in Chhattisgarh and form their government in Chhattisgarh after 15 years.
Now let's jump into some analytics & statistics of digital presence & activities of Indian National Congress - Chhattisgarh
Facebook Page - INC Chhattisgarh
Facebook Presence Highly Active Page Likes 111,778 Content Quality Good Average Engagement 438.9
Top 3 Facebook Posts from INC Chhattisgarh
Twitter Handle - INC Chhattisgarh
Twitter Presence Highly Active Followers Count 17,533 Content Quality Good Average Engagement 392.1
Top 3 Tweets from INC Chhattisgarh
लीजिये! वीडियो उपलब्ध है.
— INC Chhattisgarh (@INCChhattisgarh) October 11, 2018
जो रमन सिंह के 15 साल के कारनामों को बेनकाब करता है, यह बताता है अगर आपको प्रदेश की बदहाली को खुशहाली के रूप में देखना है तो 'रमन का उल्टा चश्मा' पहनिए.
अगर सच्चाई देखनी है तो रमन का चश्मा उतार फेंकिये और नंगी आँखों से सच्चाई देखिये. #RamanKaUltaChashma pic.twitter.com/G8YGzhIn1sअसुरों के खात्मे के लिए छत्तीसगढ़ में जारी महायज्ञ में वरिष्ठ पत्रकार रुचिर गर्ग जैसे आहुतिकर्ता का आगमन इस यज्ञ की ज्वाला के प्रसार की परिधि को और अधिक बढ़ाएगा।
— INC Chhattisgarh (@INCChhattisgarh) October 13, 2018
बहुत से खर-दूषण इस यज्ञ में व्यवधान उत्पन्न करने के लिए आते जाते रहेंगे, हमें इस धर्म एवं कर्म यज्ञ को जारी रखना है। pic.twitter.com/T9rGv3Y2cPदेखिए! प्रियदर्शिनी बैंक घोटाले का काला सच!!
— INC Chhattisgarh (@INCChhattisgarh) October 9, 2018
तत्कालीन बैंक मैनेजर उमेश सिन्हा ने नार्को टेस्ट में कमीशनखोर रमन सिंह का किया पर्दाफाश, कहा - मुख्यमंत्री सहित कई मंत्रियों को दिए थे करोड़ों.
कांग्रेस की सरकार बनते ही जनता की मेहनत की कमाई खाने वालों को चुन चुनकर जेल भेजा जाएगा. pic.twitter.com/MFQcsMnieb3. Janta Congress Chhattisgarh
Janta Congress Chhattisgarh is a political party operating in Chhattisgarh. Former Chief Minister, Ajit Jogi endowed the party on June 23rd, 2016. With a perspective of Social Justice for All, Women Empowerment and Inclusive Governance.
Now let's jump into some analytics & statistics of digital presence & activities of Janta Congress Chhattisgarh
Facebook Page - Janta Congress Chhattisgarh
Facebook Presence Highly Active Page Likes 88,281 Content Quality Good Average Engagement 77.0
Top 3 Facebook Posts from Janta Congress Chhattisgarh
Twitter Handle - Janta Congress Chhattisgarh
Twitter Presence Highly Active Followers Count 5,031 Content Quality Good Average Engagement 10.9
Top 3 Tweets from Janta Congress Chhattisgarh
रात और दिन जिया जले, कैसा राज तुम्हारा है, जोगी की सरकार बने, तो जीवन उजियारा है … #अबकी_बार_जोगी_सरकार #हाथी_और_हल #AmitJogi #AjitJogi #JantaCongressCG #Elections2018 #Jogi4CG @AmitJogi @JantaCongressJogi @AjitJogiJCC @JantaCongressJ @AjitJogi_CG pic.twitter.com/Gi6qIfvJ0h
— Janta Congress CG (@jantacongressj) October 24, 2018राहुल गांधी छत्तीसगढ़ आने वाले है
— Janta Congress CG (@jantacongressj) October 21, 2018
मंदिर जाएंगे,
लोगों को भड़काएँगे,
वोट मांगेंगे,
फ़ोटो खिंचवाएँगे
और फिर फुर्रररररररर हो जाएंगे
क्या हमें ऐसे नेताओं को वोट देना चाहिए ?
अब आप सोचिये आपको मेहमान चाहिए या छत्तीसगढ़ की माटी का लाल चाहिए #cg4jogiपहले कांग्रेस ने लूटा
— Janta Congress CG (@jantacongressj) October 22, 2018
अब बीजेपी लूट रही है
इन दोनों को वोट देकर
देश की जनता रो रही है
छत्तीसगढ़ को बचाने के लिए
आपको आगे आना ही होगा
इस बार अपना वोट देकर
जोगी जी को जिताना होगा
मेरा वोट सिर्फ जोगी जी को
जोगी जी का निशान, हल चलाता किसान #cg4jogi
Content Marketing for political decision-making processes
“Content marketing” is a big umbrella. There are many types of content and many digital channels where you can put your content and reach out to your targeted audience. How does a content marketer decide on the type-mix-channel that makes the most sense?
It doesn’t matter how big your company or political party. Content marketing only requires resources such as text, image, video, audio...
Here are the few types of content every political party must include in their marketing campaigns:
- Infographics
- Memes
- Images
- Videos
- User Generated Content
- Live Video
- Photo Galleries
- Link Pages
- Online Contest & Giveaways
- Sponsored Advertisements
Winning Social Media Strategy using Content Marketing
1.Campaign Objective
First, know your campaign objective. Once you get, choose at least one content type that can explain whatever you are trying to explain
2.Engaging Content
Develop highly engaging content that can influence the decision-making processes of voters
3.Publish on social media
Publish and amplify the content on social media. Ask people & your volunteers to share the content as much they can
4.Reach lakhs of voters
If your content has potential the to influence the decision-making processes, Add some budget and run sponsored ads on Facebook & Instagram
Best Example of Content Marketing in Chhattisgarh Election 2018
Indian National Congress - Chhattisgarh made a stunning video for their elections campaigns. It's "Raman Ka Ulta Chasma". The content has really creative & impressive concept and storyline. Let's Have a look:
Full Video
Part 3
Did "Raman Ka ulta chasma" by INC Chhattisgarh went viral in chhattisgarh?
Answer: No, INC Chhattisgarh made a really great video that has potential to influence the decision-making processes but they failed to make it go viral.
If you go & see, the sum of total views of the video including facebook, twitter & youtube is under 1 Lakh.
There are around 25 lakhs active Facebook & Instagram users in Chhattisgarh who are 18 to 65+ in age. So, we can say 25 lakhs voters use Facebook & Instagram in Chhattisgarh. INC Chhattisgarh wasn't able to reach even 5% of voters with their great video.
It's really cool that we are discussing digital marketing campaigns for politics. If we go back to 5 years and see, Social media was not an important channel to political parties in the last elections held in 2013. It's been just 5 years and things have changed now. We are living in mobile-first & Internet Era where most of the people owns at least a smartphone and an active Internet connection. This evolution created a new way of marketing that we called "Digital Marketing". Search engines, social media sites, blogging platforms, directories and more came into existence. And That become our marketing channel.
The political parties based in Chhattisgarh are using digital marketing & social media actively. I have no doubt to say that they have a proper marketing strategy and they are doing it well. It's also true that many improvements can be made and that can provide huge results. All parties are lacking in reaching large numbers of voters in social media. They are not able to fight with Facebook's algorithm. Facebook will not make you grow up until you pay to Facebook. That's the business model of Facebook. In this scenario, political parties should use the combination of both organic and paid medium of digital marketing. This strategy will make them expand their reach and influence the decision-making processes of voters.